30 true friendship messages to send to your best friends

Best friends are not those who run their hands on their heads, but those who know what to talk about at the right times.

who is lucky enough to have a true friend by your side, have everything!

A good friend is someone who understands the true value of having someone for life.

Friends know of our best moments, but the best friends lived these moments with us.

True friendships do not end up disagreement.

There are people who come and go from our lives, but friends come in and stay in it.

Time may take things away, but it will never move important people away.

says a Chinese legend that true friendships are like deep root trees: no storms can tear.

True friendship is one that is born for no reason.

Friends: May they be few, but be true.

A true friend is someone who believes in you even if you stop believing in yourself.

Nothing erases, nothing destroys, nothing separates our friendship.

A true friendship is to divide your pains and multiply your happiness.

A sad person trying to make the other sad person smile. This is called friendship, true friendship.

It is in the hardest times you realize who is really by your side. And who is your real friend.

A honest answer is a sign of a true friendship.

real friend is not the one who says “go ahead”, but the one who says “I’m going together”.

True friendships were not made to be erased over time, even though they ended up in an unexpected way. Even after the end of a friendship, a real friend will always keep the good memories stored.

Cultivating a true friend requires dedication and time.

When all others leave your life, that real friend will remain.

If you need me, don’t even think about looking for me… look for me without thinking!

If you plant a friendship seed, it will reap a branch of happiness.

real friends separate. But when they come together, nothing changes!

Friendship that is friendship, it’s also true love!

The most nutritious food of the soul is undoubtedly friendship.

Real friend is the one who is on your side when the whole world turns your back.

The most beautiful love is the one that is born of a true friendship.

Best friends is nickname, we are brothers.

First I met you, then a friendship was born and today I found that I really love you!

A true friend scolds you as a father, takes care of you as a mother, plays like a sister and pisses you like a brother.

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