30 messages for a friend who lost her mother that will bring comfort to the heart

Only those who lost their mother know the terrible pain that this death causes. After all, no one is prepared to say goodbye to the most important person in life! If your friend is going through this delicate moment, then check out quotes for a friend who lost her mother and help her go through this painful grief.

Quotes for friend who lost their mother who help to go through this difficult time

I know that your faith is strong and I wish you keep it in any situation. I admire the life your mother led. She was a great woman. I’m sorry for the loss of someone so valuable in your life!

This is such a big shock. My best votes for you and your family. The sky gained a new intercessor! Have faith, friend. Mourning will become longing and willingness to do good things to meet it in heaven.

Friend, time will turn your pain into longing. My condolences.

a lot of strength, friend! I am very sad about the news of the death of your beloved mother. She will miss you a lot. A big hug and stay with God.

friend, I’m sorry for your mother. I ask God to comfort you and give you a lot of peace and serenity to endure and then overcome this hard stage of your life. My condolences.

Friend, at this time so difficult I’m with you. I’m sorry for your mother’s death. Even against our will, life follows its course. May God comfort you and give the strength to move on!

During your moment of sadness, I am praying for God to help you. Even if your mother is no longer among us, that your positive energy and your spirit are always here!

Friend, I could say a thousand things to you at this difficult time, but no word is greater than my prayer. May the Lord can comfort you!

Friend, it was with extreme commotion that I received the news of your mother’s death. Count on me for whatever is needed! My sincere feelings. Forces!

I hope our Lord will bring you and your family the so necessary peace during this sad time. My condolences!

How do I hurt to know about your dear mother’s departure. Know that I’m here for what you need, friend. You don’t have to go through it alone!

Friend, my most sincere condolences. Your mother was an amazing person and her loss is something that hurts us all. I love you and I will always be by your side!

Friend, I’m so sorry for your mother. I know how much you loved her. That you can find peace at this difficult time.

I’m sorry for your mother’s death. She always loved you more than anything in this life! If you need to call me, ok? I’m here for what you need.

I know how hard it is to lose a mother. It is a pain that seems to never pass, but believe me: it will pass and become longing, an even deeper love!

In this moment of deep pain, that God can comfort your heart and bring the necessary peace. Know that your dear mother is now next to Him.

This life is just a preparation for something much better that awaits us. Your dear mother is in this place! May God wipe away your tears at this time so sad, friend.

We never understand God’s time and choices, but if he wanted it, it was because he was in his plans. I’m sorry for your mother, friend!

My condolences, my dear friend. Your mother has always been an example of a strong woman and unshakable faith. May God, in all his mercy, receive her with open arms.

One day you will find yourself again with your dear mother and will be with our Lord. I’m sorry for your pain, friend. If you need to call me!

The loss of someone we love is always painful, but the loss of a mother is almost unbearable. Know that I will be here for what you need, friend. You are not alone!

Friend, I’m sorry for your mother’s departure. I know it’s a very difficult time, so count on me for whatever you need, ok?

Your mother has always been one of my favorite people. How it hurts me to know about your departure, but your spirit has walked to a better and light place!

As much as it donates, death is inevitable and only one passage from that world to another. Know that your mother will always be kept in your heart, for the love that connects you is eternal.

My condolences, friend. His mother was an illuminated person and was always ready for the final passage. Lots of light for you and your whole family!

Feel honored to have met your mother, such a dear and amazing person. You are her best image, friend! May God bring you a lot of comfort.

Friend, I promise that this pain will pass and, in this process, know that I will be by your side for everything you need. My condolences.

Today heaven has received a soul full of faith, joy, and fear of God. I’m sorry for your mother, friend. Count on me for whatever you need!

In this painful moment, I come to bring a word of affection and comfort. Know that your mother will always be looking at you! May God comfort your heart.

I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling now, friend. So know that I will always be here, ok? May God guide you at this complicated moment and comfort the heart of everyone in the family!

Death is always a delicate and painful moment. To help those who are going through this, check out these consolation quotes to the mourning that will bring comfort to the heart!

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