30 Hallelujah Saturday messages that prepare you for Easter

The Easter holiday is marked for three very important days: the Friday of Passion, the Hallelujah Saturday and Easter Sunday. It is time to remember the sacrific of Jesus ending in joy: Christ rose and brought us the possibility of salvation to all who embrace the cross. Check out Quotes from Hallelujah Saturday and fill yourself with the faith and love of the Lord!

Hallelujah Saturday quotes that remind you of Jesus’ sacrifice in the name of love

Hallelujah Sabbath prepares us to celebrate that death did not win, but it was Jesus who defeated it.

But the angel, answering, said to women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here, because he has risen, as he said. Come, see where the Mr. Jazia “.

It’s a day of deep gratitude to the Lord for fulfilling your promises and filling us with your love!

No suffering is eternal and Hallelujah Saturday reminds us that Sunday is Vitória.

Tonight, we have gained a fundamental right, which will not be taken us: the right to hope. It is a new, living hope that comes from God. It’s not mere optimism … No. It is a gift from heaven that we could not get for ourselves.

Praise the Lord because the tomb was empty, death did not prevail. Jesus was no longer among the dead!

Hallelujah! Jesus lives and may we remember the sacrifice He has made for us in the name of love!

This Hallelujah Saturday, let us remember that Jesus had to suffer for us and to save us. It is the cross that leads to salvation.

It took him to surrender in our place for our sins to be forgiven. Hallelujah!

On the cross, Jesus won death so that years later, we could celebrate this in life today!

The tomb of the Messiah was not filled for long. God fulfilled his promise and he was risen!

Making a memory of the event of Jesus, this is what makes women announce everyone. Memory of what God has done, of the path taken. This opens the heart for waiting, for the future.

Death is also hope, because it was necessary for Jesus to die so that we had life. Hallelujah!

At the end of Hallelujah Saturday, we celebrate that Jesus won the impossible and is no longer dead!

It is not among the dead that we should look for Jesus because he is no longer there. He lives!

let us sing Hallelujah and celebrate that Jesus lives and, if He lives, we will live too!

It is the vigil during which the whole church remains waiting for the tomb of the Messiah, sacrificed on the cross. The Church expects and pray, listening again to the Scriptures that repercussions the whole history of salvation.

Jesus’ victory over death is forever and ever. The life he offers us is eternal.

Sabbath is no longer pain, because Jesus lives. May we prepare to celebrate your resurrection!

Wait and trust the miracle. It is Hallelujah Saturday and we know that God will fulfill His promises.

For, as Jonas was three days and three nights in the womb of the whale, so will be the son of man three days and three nights in the earth.

Give thanks to God and sing Hallelujah, because the Savior has risen and blessed us with life and life in abundance!

Hallelujah Saturday is time to thank and praise God. It is time to remember that the tomb was empty!

To which God has risen, loose the cravings of death, for it was not possible to be retained by it.

It was for our sins that he died so that we could be forgiven. Hallelujah. Jesus lives!

Jesus destroyed death and his dominator. He proved to be stronger than all the pain!

After weeping, after the disorientation of the Holy Friday, followed by the silence full of the expectation of Holy Sabbath, at the dawn of the “first day after Saturday” resonated with vigor the announcement of life that defeated death. P>

Let us never forget the sacrifice of Jesus and may the Sabbath of Hallelujah remind us that he did it all for love.

Hallelujah is the celebration that Jesus lives and is in us. May we love him every day more!

Day of prayer, vigil and gratitude. Remember that the cross was not the end, but the beginning of a new life!

May all sadness go away and all pain becomes hope because Jesus lives. To celebrate the victory over death, check out Catholic Easter quotes and fill with faith embracing the salvation achieved by Christ!

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