30 cloudy day messages for those who love this pleasant weather

cloudy days divide opinions: there are those who love and there are those who have hated. Fans of this type of mood love to enjoy relaxing and staying at home. If you are Team days without too much sun, then these cloudy days quotes are for you. Next, you will find messages that are a real hug, so warm and cute they are. Check it out!

Nublated days quotes to enjoy under the covers

The cloudy weather, my voice calling for your smile that went with the sun.

Tears and rain wet the window glass, but no one sees me.

I will leave my window open, because I’m very tired at night to call your name. Just know that I’m here hoping that you come with the rain.

cloudy days are necessary to see your light in the weird gray of life.

You can walk in a dream while you are awake: just walk on the cloudy morning of a forest!

On this gray day where people pass by rain without speaking. In these seedlings there were dreams, cries that my glass window will blur.

There are those who do not like cloudy days, but for me this is the perfect mood to be happy.

On cloudy days, you are my sun. On rainy days, come warm me. In the middle of the clouds, I see a light shining. I illuminate my way back to you.

Nothing is more mysterious than watching a lonely man who is taking a night walk on an ennevoid street!

Never forget that even on cloudy days the sun is there, even if we can’t see it.

It is not because the sky is cloudy that the stars were not born.

A color for a cloudy day! Good morning.

It is not because the sky is cloudy that the stars have died.

has no cloudy time for those who radiate their own sun.

Let’s put a sun on this cloudy day?

I like people who know how to be sun even when life is cloudy.

May I know how to be light, even though it is surrounded by cloudy people.

cloudy days can also be beautiful days. If the winds of change were predictable would not be the winds of change, wouldn’t it?

Cloudy days also deserve a smile!

I love the cloudy days, after all, no matter the mood if you take rays of sunshine in the heart.

For cloudy days, a color rain!

We know how to find light even on the most cloudy days.

Even when the sky is cloudy, the sun is not missing. He is there, on the other side of the clouds.

Love is sun: warms up on cloudy days.

cloudy days combine with popcorn, blanket, movies and you by my side!

There are people who find me crazy, but cloudy days are my favorites and make me much happier and more willing!

Today the day is cloudy and perfect for you to come and warm me. It is the tip!

There are people who are as clouded as sunny days. But there are those who radiate light no matter the condition.

The sky is cloudy and about to rain, so are my eyes that cannot see you.

If you love this climate without sun and milder, then you will love these quotes of rain!

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