20 biblical messages for mothers that overflow with tenderness and teachings

synonym for love and protection, a mother is a true gift from God! After all, taking care and creating is a divine blessing. The faith conveyed by her marks the lives of her children and can make them true servants of the Lord. To honor this important figure, check out these biblical quotes for mothers and send them to that special woman of your life!

Biblical quotes for mothers who are full of God’s Word and Love

I have no greater joy than hearing that my children are actually walking.

You can a woman forget so much of her child who creates, that she does not sympathize with him, the son of his womb?

virtuous woman who will find her? Its value greatly exceeds that of rubies.

Children are the inheritance of the Lord, a reward that he gives.

Although I speak the languages ​​of men and angels, if I have no love, I will be like the bell that resonates or as the dish that rectine.

Blessed The womb that brought you, and the breasts that breastfed you!

All friends of Proverbs will say about you, “such a mother, such a daughter.”

May she receive the deserved reward, and her works are praised at the door of the city.

Beauty is misleading, and beauty is fleeting; But the woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

Honor your Father and Your Mother and you will love your neighbor as yourself.

Instruct the child according to the goals you have for her, and even over the years will not deviate from them.

I learned from childhood, within my family, which you, Lord, have chosen Israel among all nations and our parents among all their ancestors, to make your perpetual inheritance and that you have executed all your promises.

their children are raised and call it blessed; her husband too, and he praises her.

He answered him, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the Word of God and practice it.”

Your wife will be like the fruitful vine in the intimacy of your home; your children like olive plants to the wheel of your table.

Love is patient, love is kind. Do not envy, do not boast, do not be proud.

However, the woman will be saved by giving birth to children – if they remain in faith, love and holiness, with common sense.

Listen, my son, the instruction of his father and does not despise his mother’s teaching. They will be a ornament for your head, a adornment to your neck.

If you stop listening to instruction, my son will move away from the words that give knowledge.

The woman who is praised by her husband and children, is the one who speaks wisely and teaches with love.

Being a mother is one of the greatest blessings God could give to a woman! To continue knowing more about His Word, check out these quotes of peace verses that will calm your heart.

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