100 messages of country music for a well-deserved suffering

country music is a Brazilian musical genre that emerged in the 1910s. The songs were produced by urban and rural composers, quite different from the sertanejo style we know now.

Nowadays, the so -called university backcountry – a subgreentene of the countryman – is widely spread throughout Brazil. As its name implies, it is successful among young people and adolescents and is always present at parties of colleges and ballads.

Do you like this musical style? We have selected country music quotes for you to read and hum! Check it out:

The best quotes of country music

God forbid, but whoever I had given me both!

There goes my pride, losing the shame …

If I drink, hold me that I create courage!

To insist on us is walking back, but falling is so tasty…

It’s your smile that mixes with natural smell, that’s what makes you special.

I would lose myself easy on this piece of bad way that is you.

Your mouth is worth the price to lose the quiet I had!

Now I’m played, heart is hurt!

You think you delude me, or leaks, or assume me.

longing will call my name!

Today there is no tidy hair on your head!

If one doesn’t, we go to another!

I go to life, I let life take me.

brings the madness to the room, leave the reason on the street!

I recovered the single life, I’m back, I dared to be happy now!

Today I want a day of quiet, I want peace!

is mass I live free and loose to fly.

I like your sassy hands, your evil look!

You will win, be sure to believe you!

eta crooked life. It doesn’t go out of fashion.

Come to my life, come!

I’m in the status I didn’t want.

Who also opens the door.

Not receiving message is also message.

Who shuts consent!

Losing you was the most crazy pain I felt in my life.

Is it worth I like you?

For a good half -absence enough.

How is it? Tell us if you have forgotten that person …

Do you know that love that multiplies? Who never dreamed of having in life?

The problem of mistakes is that sometimes they kiss well!

You can invade, you can arrive, you can stay!

You taught me how to learn to forget you!

My heart only wants peace and you come with this smile…

enjoyed the freedom of a weekend thinking I was going to forget …

She goes crazy, she makes my head spin … I’m talking about cachaça!

Live for what makes you smile.

I won’t even blame the wind for this mess, if I left the window open.

My safadometer exploded, I can’t control it!

My heart is not Mother Joana’s house, so you mess the same as you do in my bed.

On the two -seater sofa, imagine if he spoke, denies …

Kissing is too good, I’m I’m in the mood!

I don’t love you like yesterday, I love it a thousand times more!

I think 24 hours on you .. I have no time to forget you!

arrives coming up, catch taking the mood!

Loving you from afar is so bad.

And the worst is that it still gives a knot when I remember us…

we will meet again, in a ballad, among the people…

I want you live and color here.

I want to be the face that is in your mind, the feeling you feel.

wanted at least one replica of you to spend the time I will take to forget you!

If God gave me a chance to live again, I just wanted you if I had you.

I didn’t even tell you, but every night my dreams only ask you.

Look, what you did to me doesn’t do, I took you seriously, I loved you so much.

I change this fear of losing you, for the courage to risk it.

Honestly, I no longer know what to do with this miss you are doing me now.

I went to talk and the subject was just you.

But it is better to suffer from hangover than to suffer from love.

If I loved him, I would not be lying in my arms.

It is written in the stars, you were born for me!

Time flies and life brings us a new love!

Talk of love I don’t want to, but kiss on the mouth I can!

despaired when you realized someone here in your place!

I just know that life is more colorful with you!

mind that I am the beautiful dream you dreamed, that all your life you waited for me.

she has a beautiful way to look at me, awakening me dreams, crazy love!

If you want happiness, come see me again!

I had an accident of love, I didn’t even die, I just broke my face!

If your bed spoke would call my name!

and just look at you I’m already smiling…

I’m for business on the track, recovering the time I wasted!

My heart is flower. Watering you, love, you will love me!

There is nothing more than fascinates me than seeing you coming…

Dreams are mine, no one steals, nor does it take.

It was, but it is no longer my favorite notification.

I did so much that now it does!

I don’t know if I give up or insist on this love…

Turn off this lamp that the show doesn’t need light!

heart prescribed… every 8 hours a dose of anti-love!

It’s a skin thing, we both rolls a flashback!

I’m drinking to forget, but I’m remembering.

What in life nobody did, you did in less than a month.

I really loved someone with a lie .. even if I hit the relapse I don’t go back.

It’s heavy to stay away from you.

I will give my happiness to your name.

I love you, drip, with you life is more colorful, gathered lemon is even better!

sick of love, I looked for medicine in the nightlife.

I will love you in the other lives that will come.

Hangover agreement, I don’t even remember what I did. I was not born for love, vixi … but I’m happy!

Put that outfit and lipstick. Get in the car, friend, increases the sound.

Welcome love … until finally you found me!

It’s still too early for us to talk about love, that doesn’t mean that in love, I’m not.

Who really loves accepts the mistakes and applauds the virtues!

But the truth is that I am crazy about you and I’m afraid to think about losing you.

great love is not a matter of luck.

I’m not kind of in love, I’m in love and a half.

You don’t deserve it anyway I love you.

I need this love, love you all night. If you want me, know too I want you.

The countryman has very lively songs, but also has suffering! Check out this list of quotes from Marília Mendonça for you to suffer everything that is entitled!

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